Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Update 9/30/2014

Well, sorry for the long wait in putting out a new post, but I have been dealing with an injury that eventually ended up requiring knee surgery, and pretty hefty surgery.

Fortunately, I won't be out of the game forever, but rehab and recover will take some time.  The good news is I'm expected to make a full recovery.  The bad news is that it will take some time and that means no running and gunning for a little while.

So, if you follow my YouTube channel, which was just starting to pick up, there will obviously be a delay in any cool videos.  At least some I had floating around in my head especially with the nicer weather arriving in Arizona.

Also, gear reviews, the testing portion will be delayed, as I can't really go out and shoot right now.

But, I will be writing when I can.  So, stay tuned, I'll do what I can to keep this blog interesting.


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