Thursday, July 31, 2014

KKM Precision Barrel Glock 19

Quick upload of some photos for the barrel that just arrived today.  Haven't had a chance to shoot it yet, so I won't be using it, yet.  First impressions: pretty cool looking, but that won't mean jack if it doesn't do what I want it to.  When I can I will post pictures of 20-25 yards and then out to 40-50 yards and see if there is any real difference or advantage.  Enjoy the following photos.

Stay tuned for a shooting update with photos.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Close Quarters Sights Only?!?!?!

The following photograph is to demonstrate a simple concept. When asked if a 40 yard shot with a handgun off-hand is feasible. The most common reply is that it is not. Below I offer 40 yards off-hand with a Glock G17 Gen 4 using Ameriglo Pro I-Dot sights. My first three were off to the left side of the target. Once I focused the rest were center-of-mass. Good hits.  Hits I feel confident making and I still have room for improvement. Always working to better myself. 

This next picture is same gun from 20 yards. I called the flyer to the right. This target is the backside of a VTAC target. Same sights. Ameriglo Pro I-Dot. 

Why does it matter? Well, frankly, you don't need specialized target sights to hit accurately with standard everyday carry "combat" sights. Don't buy into the misinformation that "distance" shots are not feasible with sights designed for close quarters engagements. 

For those not familiar with the Ameriglo sights here are a couple photos. 

Sight picture. Big front sight dot. Blacked out rear sight with a single tritium insert.  I took this photo to show how bright the front sight is after hitting it for a moment with a flashlight. 

The above is how they look from the side of one my Glock 19 Gen 4. 
I like these sights. I also like Trijicon HD sights, which I have on my XD45 5". I just like the Ameriglo better on my Glocks.

The point to this is: You can be accurate at decent distances with sights marketed as close quarters, quick engagement. It all boils down to the fundamentals: sight alignment and trigger control (the most important of the fundamentals).

Shooting is a perishable skill and needs to be watered often to stay alive. Hit the range and if you have nothing more than 50 rounds practice those fundamentals. Speed is fine. Accuracy is final. All the tacticool gadgets and moves won't matter if you can't hit what you want. 

Train hard. Train often. 
(Post composed on iPad mini)

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Combat Accuracy

"At least, it's combat accurate...."
"I'm working on combat accuracy...."

Combat accuracy.  Combat accurate.  If you do any kind of firearms training or even purview videos on YouTube about anyone with a word to say about "tactical" firearms training or shooting you're bound to hear these terms being tossed around.

But, what does it mean?  Unfortunately, especially for beginners, the concept of COMBAT ACCURACY is one of the most dangerous and detrimental training scars in the shooting world.

Let me explain:
Here's a common "tactical"paper range drill:
From 5-10 yards draw, lateral step, and engage the target as quickly as you can.  Use a shot timer.

Here's the most common result:
A shotgun effect of rounds all over the torso of the target that, under any other circumstance, would have the objective observer wondering if the shooter even had sights on the gun?

But, hey, that's "combat accurate."

Here's some truth.  That's piss poor shooting, unless the target is jumping all around and shooting back at you.  On the paper range you're not being shot at.  The target rarely jumps around.  Even with movement on a static paper non-aggressive target, you should be able to do better than a shotgun effect with rounds scattered around like you have no sights on your gun.

Here's the caveat:  If you manage to get similar results in a Simunitions scenario, that's "combat accurate".

In my opinion, the use of the term combat accurate is detrimental to learning to fight with and shoot a gun.  It is not something that should be trained for specifically, i.e. you shouldn't go to the paper range with the expectation of loosing rounds all over the place and be satisfied with the end result.

Combat accuracy is more accurately (see what I did there?) used as a descriptor for a post force-on-force scenario/incident evaluation.

Fast is fine, accuracy is final.  At the bare minimum you, as a trained shooter, should be able to hit what you're aiming at.  No excuses. No misses from 25 yards and in, at a minimum.  That's a simple demonstration of a solid understanding of the fundamentals of marksmanship.  Trigger control never changes.  Slow, fast it is always smooth and controlled.  That is why we train.  We train and we train and we master the basics so that the basics look like magic to the untrained.

Shooting a man-sized silhouette from 50 yards isn't magic, but to the untrained it sure looks like it is.  In fact, you will hear some say impossible, impractical, not realistic, and to that I say it's a demonstration that that person knows how to shoot his gun.  Even more so from 100 yards.  I got asked once when speaking with a group of friends about shooting from 100 yards with a handgun if the rounds fell into the ground around 60 or 70 yards.  I'll just leave that right there.  It's not magic and it's not rocket science.

It has been said that there are no advanced techniques only masterful execution of the basics.  There is some truth to that.  Trigger control and sight alignment.  If you can't do these consistently, don't bother being fancy and calling your piss poor shots "combat accurate".  It's on a paper range with non-aggressive pictures.

This is not a tactics article, this is a concept article, so I won't go into detail on advanced shooting techniques, that's not the point of this post.  Simply put, it is better to be able to call every shot than to practice a piss poor result and call it "combat accurate".

I was told once by a great instructor that training translates the following way on most occasions:

If you're great in training, you will be good in reality.If you're good in training, you will be OK in reality.If you're OK in training, you will suck in reality.If you suck in training, you better train some more before reality calls.

Lt. Col. Grossman put it as follows: you will not rise to the occasion, but fall to your highest level of training.  If your training is to sloppily shoot at a paper non-aggressive target and call it "combat accurate", you're failing to see the point.

Range training is a chance to master your gun.  To be able to call your shots, consistently.  Force-on-force training is the place to see if your training has paid off in "combat accuracy".

Definitely push yourself in training to see where the wheels fall off.  But don't settle for less and call it sufficient.

Combat accuracy should only be used to describe the end result of either a force-on-force scenario or an actual incident.  Not a term used to describe the end result of a paper range training scenario.

If you push yourself and the wheels start to come off then back off a little and keep training.  Keep pushing.  There is literally no limit.  You're only competing against yourself.  Even in a gunfight you're fighting against yourself.  Because you have no way of knowing the training level of your opponent.  All you know is yourself.  All you can do is beat your personal best to win the fight.

Remember on the training range you should strive for nothing less than perfection, which is simply defined as your personal best, which I already said has no real limit.  Time and effort along with quality training can bring you very far on your path.

I tell persons new to shooting (mostly because they're not indoctrinated by some other mindset) that the most important thing you can learn to do is to put bullets where you want them at will with minimal effort.

Once you can do that everything else is gravy.  Shooting from cover, turning, moving, clearing corners, slicing the pie, reloads, malfunctions training, all of that means little if you can't call your shots and the only way you do that is work.

A little perspective: your ability to perform a tactical speed reload means little if the bullets you're feeding your smoke wagon aren't finding their mark.  You're fighting yourself because you don't know how good of a shot the other guy is.  The idea is to put bullets on him faster than he puts bullets on you.  And more than he does.  I like to imagine in training against a paper target that the bad guy is super man and can outshoot me any day of the week.  I want to win and continue to enjoy the 4 F's of life.  So that means I need to be faster but also more accurate faster.  Think about it.

So, the whole point of this is don't short change your training by labeling a piss poor result as "combat accurate".  Change the way you think about that term.  It has a place, for sure, but it's not on a static one-way range.  And if you let yourself fall into that trap, you're only hurting yourself and anyone who depends on you.

Train hard, train often, amigos.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Musashi Quote?

I did not make this. I cannot take credit for it. Unfortunately, I do not remember where I first saw it. I like it and I'm sharing it. In fact, I don't even know if Musashi even said it. It has been too long since I last read The Book of Five Rings. But the quote and painting are awesome. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What is effective?

What is your effective range? How far can you shoot accurately? And, perhaps, even more importantly: how far will you actually ever be called upon to shoot?  Let's talk about these things briefly while you look at the above picture.  For this post we will speak concerning handguns as this is far more applicable to the everyday responsible gun owner than, say, carrying your musket around everyday. (I have written extensively about CCW on my older blog and I will work on distilling or perhaps even reporting the content here).

Let's talk effective range and what that actually means. The great thing about good training is that there aren't many super-secret double meaning phrases or terms. Effective range is simply at what range are you effective? Even better, what is the maximum range you can be effective? 

This is highly personal and will vary from person to person and skill level to skill level.

Let's define effective for the sake of argument. Effective is not missing. You cannot miss fast enough to catch up in a gunfight. Which, brings up another component of effective: time. So, effective is not missing as fast as you can.  Or, in other words, shooting as fast as you can guarantee hits.  It's been said: fast is fine, but accuracy is final.

Your level of effectiveness will obviously change when you add distance to the equation. For example, at 5 yards you can be blazing fast and accurate. In fact, you have to be because there isn't much time or distance between you and your adversary. 1/10ths of seconds mean the world.

How far away can you guarantee hits? You're responsible for every single bullet that exits your gun whether you're being shot at or not.  If the threat is too far away, should you bother throwing lead you know will not hit its mark? What's the backdrop? Can you create distance? Do you have to close the gap and engage? Can you get to cover? So many factors to consider, there is no concrete answer except you cannot miss. 

Training plays a big role here. You can increase your effective range with good, solid training and frequent practice.  If you won a gun you owe it to yourself and your community to get training and a CCW permit (where required by law).

This plays into our next question. How far can you accurately shoot? Test yourself. Push your limits. This is not a speed exercise, but an accuracy exercise. See how far away you can hit center of mass on a silhouette. 

Train. And train outside your comfort zone. Anyone can spend all day at the 7 yard line and feel good about themselves. But what are you actually proving? You're only competition is yourself. You can't pick the skill level of your opponent, but you know yours and how far and hard to push yourself. Plus, if shooting from 25 yards becomes easy then that only helps your closer range shooting.

Train outside what's easy and comfortable. (Be safe about it) but train.

Oh, and if you're, wondering. The above picture is off-hand G17 9mm at 40 yards. Not perfect, but don't let anyone tell you it's not a practical shot. 

Good training.